Our Goddess has Blessed us once again. A new trailer for the Megumin focused spinoff was released recently. Praise be to Aqua.

Our Goddess has Blessed us once again. A new trailer for the Megumin focused spinoff was released recently. Praise be to Aqua.
It’s official the gang is back as confirmed by Kadokawa and as a bonus we get a spinoff anime. The animes are being helmed by animation studio Drive. All aboard the hype train for season 3.
Our Goddess has blessed us once more. She gives us, her followers, Isekai Quartet : Another World. The release date is June 10, 2022.
Franchouchou is coming back with a season 2 titled: Zombie Land Saga Revenge. The new Season is set to release in the 2021 spring anime season.
Here is the trailer that was released on Dec. 31, 2020.
They also released some awesome promo art too.
More information about the anime can be found at : https://myanimelist.net/anime/40174/Zombieland_Saga__Revenge
After four longs years of waiting, My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU is back with its third season. Join the members of the service club Hachiman, Yukinon, and Yui as they finish their second year in high-school. Will our service club members finally be able to obtain the “real thing” while juggling requests?
Here’s trailer released from Crunchyroll.
The OP
You can watch My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Climax at Crunchyroll: https://www.crunchyroll.com/my-teen-romantic-comedy-snafu
Our Goddess has blessed us once again. On Isekai Quartet Season 2 Episode, Aqua has graciously shown her devoted followers how to make Holy Water. Our Goddess shall surely continue to bless us through our continued devotion.
You can watch Isekai Quartet Season 2 Here at : https://www.crunchyroll.com/isekai-quartet
Recently, Konosuba held an official popularity poll during Nov 1 and Dec 5. Our goddess, Aqua, won honorably in a completely fair competition thanks to her devoted followers, the Axis Church. Our goddess shall forever remember this victory over jail bait and Eris cultist, and she will surely bless her followers for their unwavering faith.
See the polls results here at : https://sneakerbunko.jp/konosuba/senkyo/
Our Goddess has blessed us once again. Konosuba Legend of Crimson was released in select theaters courtesy of Crunchyroll and Fathom events on the days of Nov 12th and 14th of 2019. I went to go see it with group of friends. Two members of the group don’t watch anime and have never watched any of Konosuba. So here’s is my review.
Konosuba Crimson Legend is a direct sequel to the anime seasons of Konosuba. It covers volume 5 of the book. The movie expects you to have watched the anime or read the books and doesn’t take much time to introduce Kazuma and co. So some of the jokes like Darkness learning something, and Darkness’s reaction (while visually funny) can leave people wondering why. Other than that the plot is easy for newcomers to follow. A group of friends go off to save the village from demons.
Kazuma and co are hanging around the tavern making jokes. Yunyun shows up to kick start the plot of saving the Crimson Demon Village from the ever looming threat of the Demon King. This beginning part is what makes the Konosuba such a great comedy as all 5 of them are in Kazuma’s mansion making jokes, creating misunderstandings, and interacting with each other. Most of the group dynamics is lost though as the story mostly focus on Kazuma and Megumin’s relationship together for most of the run time. Darkness kind of gets shafted in screen time, and Aqua is mostly just doing funny things in the background. It isn’t until the final act that the party gets reunited and fights the big bad.
The general animation quality is about the same as the TV animation made by Studio Deen. The movie was made by J.C. Staff this time though. Animation quality isn’t as important since Konosuba is a comedy first, action-adventure second. However, during the heavy action sequences such as Megumin’s iconic explosion, J.C. Staff went full unlimited budget works with the visual spectacle and fluid animations.
When I saw the movie in theaters, everyone was having a good time laughing at the jokes. The seats were full which surprised me since Konosuba and anime in general is a niche product in America. I can not recommend Konosuba Legend of Crimson enough as a must see for fans of the series, and a good entry point for newcomers get a taste of the Konosuba world.
As of March 25, 2020, you can now watch the movie at crunchyroll: https://www.crunchyroll.com/konosuba-gods-blessing-on-this-wonderful-world
Our Goddess has blessed us once again with Isekai Quartet season 2. She Has revealed to us the release window of season 2; January 2020 is when we shall rejoice. She brings with her the Shield Hero Naofumi; therefore his party members Filo and Raphtalia must follow suit. All who believe shall blessed by our Goddess.
Our goddess has blessed us once again. Episode 10 and 11 of Isekai Quartet has brought us more of the Konosuba cast which includes Chris, Yunyun, Vanir, and Mobile Fortress. Unfortunately, there seems to be no sign of the lich shopkeeper, Wiz.
Poor Yunyun to be forever friendless.
You can watch Isekai Quartet here at: https://www.crunchyroll.com/isekai-quartet